Primer Pilots

Laying the Foundation: The Primer Pilots Level

Every great building starts with a strong foundation, and the same is true for education in the world of robotics and programming. Enter the Primer Pilots level, the first stepping stone in our curated series of programs aimed at turning young enthusiasts into tech innovators of tomorrow.

At the Primer Pilots stage, students are introduced to the exciting realm of robotics and programming in the most engaging manner. But what sets this level apart? Let’s delve deeper.

  1. Introduction to the Basics: Primer Pilots doesn’t overwhelm. Instead, it acquaints students with the core principles, ensuring they grasp the essential building blocks of both robotics and programming. Here, they learn the fundamentals, from understanding a robot’s mechanics to getting a taste of basic coding principles.
  2. Hands-on Experience: While theoretical knowledge forms the base, the Primer Pilots program emphasizes hands-on learning. Students get their first experiences in creating simple circuits, writing their initial lines of code, and witnessing their creations come to life. This tangible learning process not only reinforces concepts but also instills a sense of accomplishment and wonder.
  3. Encouraging Curiosity: The beauty of the Primer Pilots level lies in its approach. Instead of a rigid curriculum, it is designed around sparking questions. Students are encouraged to explore, ask, and discover, building a genuine interest in the subjects they are delving into.
  4. Safe and Supportive Environment: Understanding that this is the first foray for many into the world of tech, the environment at the Primer Pilots level is one of encouragement and support. Mistakes aren’t just expected; they’re celebrated as part of the learning process. With expert mentors possessing over 8+ years in the robotics industry, students are in capable hands, guided every step of the way.